VML sings ‘Lang Zal Je Beleven’ for 25th anniversary of MediaMarkt 

Antwerp, 22 October 2024

Get out your discman and prepare for a musical trip down memory lane, because MediaMarkt is celebrating its 25th anniversary in the Netherlands! Together with VML, the electronics giant is launching the ‘Lang Zal Je Beleven’ (long may you experience) campaign, a nostalgic look back at how MediaMarkt, with its wide selection of products, has played a central role in its customers' lives for a quarter of a century. ​  

MediaMarkt opened its first Dutch branch in Rotterdam in 1999. Back then, you could still find the legendary discman there, or gabbers came to buy clippers to trim their bald heads. And these are just two of the many iconic products that are reviewed in ‘Lang Zal Je Beleven’. Even the first PCs (with MSN!), the PlayStation, the hoverboard, the drone and also everyday products like the washing machine and the mixer play an important role in the lives of Dutch consumers and thus also in the campaign. ​ ​ 

"'Lang Zal Je Beleven' gave us the chance to celebrate MediaMarkt’s 25th anniversary, while also highlighting 25 years of customer experience at MediaMarkt." ​ Kasper Janssens, Executive Creative Director VML 

None other than Faberyayo (Pepijn Lanen), provided the matching soundtrack. In his own well-known style, the Dutch lyricist, podcast creator and rapper from De Jeugd Van Tegenwoordig composed the music that takes the viewer on a journey through time. ​ 


"With this 25 years of MediaMarkt campaign, we're taking a look back, but in a way that fits our times." Caganur Atay Uctu, Director Marketing & Experience at MediaMarkt Benelux ​ ​ 

The celebratory 360° campaign will run from today in the Netherlands on television, online, radio, digital out of home (DOOH), flyers (print and digital), social and in MediaMarkt's Dutch shops. Not only consumers can expect more festive initiatives in the coming period, but MediaMarkt employees will also be put in the spotlight during an anniversary event, organised by VML.


Client: MediaMarkt
Client contact: Caganur Uctu, Daan Langstraat, Sofie De Beus, Janny Dewalens ​ ​
Agency: VML
Chief Creative Officer: Klaartje Galle ​
Executive Creative Directors: Kasper Janssens & Arjen Tarras
Creatives: Emmy Beijk, Kim Alers, Sharon Goldstoff ​
Copywriters: Tijs Dejonckheere, Olaf Meuleman ​
Art Directors: Mathijs Bettens, Thomas Thysens ​
Account team: Floris Van de Weg, Lisa van Cappellen, Pieter Van Schil, Jessica Jacobs, Molly Waeytens, Lotte Munnik
Strategy: Sanne Knoben
Design: Davy Dooms, Samuel Allemand, Timothy Helmer, Lars Hiele
Agency Production: Audrey Dierkcx, Ingeborg Van Hoof
Motion Design: Jérémie Mavanga, Andreas De Ridder
Sound design: Menno Van Riet ​ ​
Production Company: 10/10
Director: Ivan Boljat ​
Music:  Pepijn 'Faberyayo' Lanen 



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