Child Focus and These Days keep hope alive
Child Focus and These Days are launching a campaign aiming to put long-term missing children in the spotlight. After all those years, the missing persons notices on these children have become all but invisible and we simply walk on by, but the families and Child Focus never stop hoping for good news.
To bring their disappearance to our attention once again, the pictures of 6 children have literally been brought to life. Thanks to a 3D mask technique, the faces can move, look up and blink in a completely natural way. The technology turns what looked like a traditional missing persons notice into a gripping confrontation: these children have been looking for you for years. Because every tip can be useful, even after all this time. The campaign runs on social media and digital billboards in train stations, supported by JCDecaux and Clear Channel. Every child has its own website (,…) where you can read the story of the child’s disappearance and help to keep hope alive by sharing the animated missing persons notices.
Client: Child Focus
Communication Manager: Dirk De Pover
Agency: These Days
CD: Pieter Staes, Manuel Ostyn
Creation: Jolien Tuyteleers, Kate Bellefroid
Design: Inge Vanhees
Design Director: Max Heirbaut
Strategy: Tallita Ortiz de la Torre
Account Team: Jentina Van Eynde, Cedric Joris
3D Production: The
Web Production: Sam Serrien, Stijn Janssens, Sven Lemmens, Veerle Struyf
Media Agency: Mediacom