Child Focus and These Days / Wunderman launch 1 million euro coins ​ with the face of a missing child

For the first time anywhere in the world, a missing child will be depicted on a regular coin. Liam Vanden Branden, then 2 years old, disappeared 20 years ago this month. As the youngest child that remains missing in Belgium, he is a symbol for all missing children.

On May 25th, the International Day of the Missing Children, the Belgian National Bank launched one million of these exceptional €2 coins. The ‘Coins of Hope’ will be circulated as a means of payment, just like a regular €2 coin. Anyone who spends or receives one of these special coins will have the chance to reflect on the fate of all missing children – now and in the future. This way these coins spread hope for every missing child.

Social media campaign 

The coins are also circulating on social media. Child Focus has invited the general public to post pictures (on Twitter, Instagram, etc.) with the hashtag #CoinsofHope each time the coins change hands. The campaign site ( will display the locations of these changeovers, showing how the currency spreads throughout Belgium and Europe. 

Even if you can't get your hands on the real currency, it is still possible to share hope: a special tool on the campaign website lets you change any photo containing a coin into a photo with a Coin of Hope.  

Child Focus hopes that this campaign will encourage millions of people, in Belgium and beyond, to spend a moment considering the fate of missing children and their families each time they find a Coin of Hope in their pocket or come across one on a social networking site. Because, who knows, one of these people could be the crucial witness, a donor or a volunteer that helps to bring a missing child home in the future. 

Minister of Finance, Johan Van Overtveldt : “Every year commemorative coins are issued across the Eurozone, but the message of these coins is rarely as symbolic and outspoken as this one. This isn’t just a commemorative coin, these are ‘hopeful coins’. This coin is the symbol of all our missing children and by using and spreading these coins we spread awareness and hope to find these children and bring them back home.”

Where can you find the Coins of Hope? 

The one million Coins of Hope are being used as a normal means of payment, with the initial distribution happening mostly via the large supermarket chains in Belgium. If you are impatient to own your own Coin of Hope, the coins can be purchased via the Belgian Royal Mint webshop for a small additional charge. 


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Erwin Jansen

CEO, These Days / Wunderman


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